Frequently Asked Questions


What is VoiceID?

VoiceID is a security feature we use to verify you over the phone just by the sound of your voice. Just as unique as your fingerprint, your VoiceID is created out of more than 100 different physical and behavioral characteristics of speech such as pitch, tone, cadence, accent, and length of vocal tract.

How does VoiceID work?

As you’re conversing throughout your call with a Bangor Support representative, your VoiceID is created out of more than 100 different physical and behavioral characteristics of speech such as pitch, tone, cadence, accent, and length of vocal tract. We only need 30 seconds of your voice to create your unique voiceprint. The next time you call, we can use your voice to quickly verify it’s you and reduce the need to answer any verification questions.

What are the benefits of using VoiceID?

Your time matters, and we want to be able to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible. VoiceID helps reduce the need to answer verification questions before we can get to the purpose of your call, and provides peace of mind knowing no one can pretend to be you.

How do I start using VoiceID?

The next time you call, we will create your unique voiceprint while we are taking care of the reason for your call. You are not required to participate, but the creation of your VoiceID helps reduce the need to answer verification questions before we can get to the purpose of your call.

Am I eligible to use VoiceID?

VoiceID is currently available to most customers and will continue to expand across additional communication channels with time. Please call Bangor Support at 1.877.Bangor1 (1.877.226.4671) to learn more about creating your VoiceID today.

Is VoiceID Secure?

Your voice is analyzed and converted into a unique digital representation, referred to as a voiceprint. Your voiceprint, which is just as unique as your fingerprint, is encrypted and stored in a secure database behind a firewall.

What if I am sick or my voice changes?

In general, VoiceID will still work if you are experiencing voice differences from a common cold or slight changes in your voice. In more severe instances, we will verify you using alternative methods.

Why might I still be asked security questions?

There could be instances when we are unable to make a positive verification using VoiceID such as if there is too much background noise, or additional verification is needed based on the nature of your request. Our Bangor Support Associate may ask you security questions to protect you and your account(s).