What is Fraud?
Fraud involves using deception or misrepresentation to cheat a person out of money or property.
How Can I Spot a Scam?
The Approach
Scammers will often pretend to be someone they are not, a government official, an expert investor, a lottery official, or even a romantic admirer. They will also use various communication methods, including online, phone calls, text messages, and in-person.
A scammer will use tricks to convince you to part with your money. If you speak to them, they may use personal details to appear legitimate, contact you regularly, create a sense of urgency, and play with your emotions.
Sending Money
One of the most significant clues you will have that a scam is occurring is when you are asked to send money. Asking for money can come within minutes of the fraud or after months of careful grooming. Scammers are willing to accept money by any means, including direct bank transfers, preloaded debit cards, gift cards, virtual currency, and more.
Learn about Common Scams
Read our list of common scams so you can more easily spot scams and fraud.
How Can I Keep My Electronic Devices Safe?
When it comes to banking and shopping online, it’s important to know how to keep your devices secure — computers, laptops, phones, tablets — and how to protect your personal and financial information. To help you have a safe and secure experience, we’ve put together best practice information in the following areas.
Security Updates
When visiting websites, there are some basic steps you can take to protect yourself against traps and pitfalls set by cybercriminals. Make sure your computer has all the most recent security updates and that you are using a current version of your browser.
Keeping Your Information Safe
Using complex passwords for your important accounts and always remembering to keep them secure are two ways you can protect your information. Also, be sure to monitor your bank accounts frequently and report any unauthorized or irregular activity, as soon as possible.
Protecting Your Mobile Devices
Smartphones and tablets keep us more connected to the internet than ever before. Take steps to secure your devices, protect your data, and only download applications from a reputable source. Don't forget to keep your phone or tablet secure with a strong password.
Virus & Malware Protection
Using the latest anti-virus, spyware, and malware protection provides an added layer of defense when used in addition to normal firewalls, automatic software updates, and wireless network security measures.
How Can I Protect My Information?
What Should I Do if I Suspect Fraud?
Visit the Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Advice website to learn more about scams.
Discover what you can do to protect yourself against senior financial exploitation.