Treasury Online

At Bangor Savings Bank, we’re dedicated to helping you launch, manage, and grow your business. Our Treasury Online is a robust, highly intuitive cash management solution to help you run your business more efficiently online. With secure access to your financial information whenever you want it, you have control of your business finances. Below is an overview of some of our features.


  • View a “snapshot” of key account information, same-day account balances and transactions, favorite reports, transactions that require action, and transfer funds.
  • Customize and save reports directly online, giving you easy access to those reports you find most helpful.
  • Access the services you use most with a single click.


  • Set up customizable alerts (via text1 or email) for key deposits, positive pay exceptions, wire transfers, and ACH transactions that require approval.
  • Access to same-day balance reporting and up to 365 days of transaction history.
  • View the front and back of check and deposit images anytime you like.
  • Customize and save online reports and file exports to favorite reports to streamline daily cash reporting and forecasting tasks.
  • Manage domestic and international wire payment activity in both US and foreign currencies.
  • Originate ACH transactions for all domestic standard entry codes. ACH files for such purposes as direct deposit and direct debit may be created within Treasury Online or imported from your own financial software.



  • Enjoy increased security multifactor authentication
  • Dual control for all origination of transactions
  • Limits by user for wires and ACH transactions available

To learn more about our Treasury Online product and what may fit your needs best, contact our Corporate Services Team!


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